Be Careful Who You Run With
I recently posted a video on my YouTube channel titled Be Careful Who You Run With. I referenced a clip from famous movie director Quinten Tarantino where he spoke with a group of film students and used an analogy about running the 100M dash. He stated; if you were to...
Constructive Criticism
Has someone ever asked you for advice but before you could finish speaking, they were trying to finish your sentences, or they were trying to tell you why your advice wasn’t good? Or have you ever given someone some advice (that they asked for) and they got upset with...
Cardiac Hill Got Me – Peachtree Road Race
A few days ago, I ran my third Peachtree Road Race. For those that aren’t familiar with what that is, it’s Atlanta’s annual 4th of July 10K marathon. It’s promoted as the largest in the country. I’m 100% sure about that, but since I live in Atlanta and adore this...
Why Are You So Desperate?
When things don't go according to plan, it's easy to get anxious and even desperate. If we are not careful, this rush of excitement can cause us to make rash decisions. However, if we channel this new energy and excitement in the right direction, we can propel...
Why I Run
People often ask me “What made you start running”? To be honest, I tried it in college… didn’t like it, and stopped. I tried it again shortly after college… didn’t like it and stopped again. But, a few years later, something happened that sort of forced me to try it...
This Is Corny
One of my goals this year was to be more active on social media. I must be honest; I struggled with this because I’ve had posts ready to go numerous times and deleted them because I thought they were corny. I know some would say I’m worrying too much about other...